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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 145-278

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Lattices of Simplex Type

A. Neumaier

pp. 145-160

Generating Nonisomorphic Maps without Storing Them

T. R. Walsh

pp. 161-178

The Hammond Series of a Symmetric Function and Its Application to $P$-Recursiveness

I. P. Goulden, D. M. Jackson, and J. W. Reilly

pp. 179-193

Traditional Galleries Require Fewer Watchmen

J. Kahn, M. Klawe, and D. Kleitman

pp. 194-206

Finding Least-Distances Lines

Nimrod Megiddo and Arie Tamir

pp. 207-211

A Minimal Totally Dual Integral Defining System for the $b$-Matching Polyhedron

William Cook

pp. 212-220

On the Fractional Solution to the Set Covering Problem

Dorit S. Hochbaum

pp. 221-222

Matrix Products That Can be Evaluated in Closed Form

Ray Redheffer and Alexander Voigt

pp. 223-230

Subblock Occurrences in the $q$-Ary Representation of $n$

Peter Kirschenhofer

pp. 231-236

Index Two Linear Time-Varying Singular Systems of Differential Equations

Stephen L. Campbell

pp. 237-243

The Concept of Two-Chord Tiesets and Its Application to an Algebraic Characterization of Non-Series-Parallel Graphs

Shoji Shinoda, Wai-Kai Chen, and Shu-Park Chan

pp. 244-252

The Maximum Coverage Location Problem

Nimrod Megiddo, Eitan Zemel, and S. Louis Hakimi

pp. 253-261

Determinacy in Linear Systems and Networks

J. Scott Provan

pp. 262-278